Salvadoran entrepreneur wants to share her delicious culture with the community of San Antonio



San Antonio – A woman in El Salvador made her dream come true and helps San Antonio develop a taste for Central American cuisine.

Janes Rosales says owning a Salvadoran food stand in the glittering Southside Plaza is just the start of her American dream. Sabor Salvadoreno is part of his lifelong dream.

Salvadoran immigrants shine with pride when they talk about their food, culture and restaurants.

“In order for Pupusa to become famous, I want to get to know Pupusa first and foremost,” Rosales said in Spanish.

Rosales emigrated to the United States in search of shelter and shelter. However, only a month after arriving, she was injured in an accident. His plea to the doctor was that they would save his hand.

“I say to the doctor: what am I going to do? It is my working tool. Well, what am I going to do? Rosales said, recounting his experience.


As soon as she was healed, she started selling food and creating customers, which led to her opening a food stall. She says that initially people had to be introduced to her signature Pupusa and other offerings.

“People were looking at us strangely and wondering what Pupusa was,” Rosales said. “But we built a client. Thank God. The customer remains satisfied.

His dream is not over. Her mission is to grow the business and open her own restaurant so that customers can sit and enjoy their meals.

His recommendation is Pupusa, a thick tortilla stuffed or mixed with cheese and beans. There is also a tamale from El Salvador with masa, spices and chicken wrapped in psyllium leaves, which has a unique flavor. Don’t miss the refried beans with Salvadoran sour cream and fried plantain.

Rosales says she still enjoys cooking, even in her home country. This company is an opportunity for her to feel destined for herself.


She encourages immigrants to come to the United States to fulfill their dream of never giving up.

“You come to America for the ‘American dream’. If you focus on what you want to accomplish, you will be successful, ”she said.

Salvador Foods of Rosales is located in Shiny Plaza on 910 SE Military Drive in San Antonio, Texas.

This story is part of the KSAT Hispanic Cultural Heritage Month celebration. The Spanish version is available at the bottom:

Para Yanet Rosales, you are a place in the comida que es parte desucultura Salvadoreña. Lainmigrante empezó un pequeñone gocio de comida dentro from Plaza Pica Pica in 910 SE Military Drive, San Antonio.

“Creoque más quetodolapupusa eslotí picoplatillo denosotros, that the pupusa se de a conocer, que se haga famosa”, from Rosales.

Con esfuerzo, crecido su clientela y hahechoque más personasse familiaricen conla comida desu país. Su meta es create su negocio yabrirunrestaurante Salvadoreño.


“Túquier esllegara Estados Unidos, vienesporelsueñoamericano, en fócatealo que vienes, si lo vas a lograr”, from Rosales.

Este reportaje de KSAT is part of Celebrity on Delmes de Helencia Hispanic.

Copyright 2021-KSAT All rights reserved.

Salvadoran entrepreneur wants to share her delicious culture with the community of San Antonio

Source link Salvadoran entrepreneur wants to share her delicious culture with the community of San Antonio


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