Discover America’s Most Sustainable Michelin Star Restaurants

1 Harbor House, Mendocino, CA

Located in a cliffside town in Mendocino County, California, the two-star Michelin Harbor House is led by Executive Chef Matthew Kammerer who puts a “massive focus on where our ingredients come from and the waste involved in our preparations”, as he recently did. told sister publication Sustainability Magazine.

Almost everything he buys for this 20-seat restaurant comes from the immediate area with seaweed harvested from the creek below, herbs, vegetables and eggs sourced from an organic garden and chicken coop on site.

“We are limiting imports, removed plastic wrap, saving gray water from rinsing vegetables to water our gardens, growing as much food as possible, starting to raise our own animals and limiting meat to small-scale production fed to grass,” he says.

All ceramics are locally made and of the 12-14 dishes on any given menu, the majority are vegetarian or sustainable seafood.

2 Atelier Crenn, San Francisco

In recent years, the three-star Michelin restaurant Atelier Crenn has embarked on a green journey.

In 2017, the restaurant announced it would source the majority of its produce from a single farm — the regenerative Bleu Belle Farms, a plot within 45 miles that uses biodynamic methods. Following a zero-waste philosophy, all leftovers from the restaurant are sent back to the farm to feed the soil.

Then, in 2018, the restaurant removed all meat from the menu so motivated was owner and chef Dominique Crenn (the first woman in the United States to receive three Michelin stars) by the environmental impact of meat production. The restaurant plans to offer cultured chicken in the future due to its relative durability and delicious appearance, aroma and flavor.

And recently, in 2021, Atelier Crenn became the first restaurant in the United States to be certified as a plastic-free establishment, having removed single-use plastics from all operations. The towels are made from recycled materials and the candles burn olive oil rather than other oils.

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